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Sunday, May 29, 2011

We here at Costa Nostra Pizza have always prided ourselves on our business model: Thirty minutes or less or it's free. Our delivery specialists go through a rigorous 13 week course of training, including the most dangerous urban combat and traffic conditions to hone their reflexes to a microfilament edge before we let them deliver you the freshest, tastiest pizzas in the sprawl. All of our vehicles are equipped with the latest in SOTA in VCR tech, and our pies come wrapped in volcano heaters to ensure that your pizza is always NOVA hot!

In 2088, pizza delivery is serious business. Rival companies are trying to encroach on the Costa Nostra Pizza chain, coming after delivery boys with big guns and no scruples. If you're interested in high octane pizza delivery, make a seasoned character using the Interface Zero rules with a mercenary background. I have two more player slots open. Contact me on skype (Lawful Dead) if you need the book and are too lazy to google "Interface Zero PDF". Run your character concept by me so I can okay it, or if you need help with the creation process. Also, read the fluff on the Free City of Chicago... Degenerates. Good luck. Oh, and if you guys want a character to play without all of the hassle of creating one, I have a nice one all lined up.

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