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Monday, September 21, 2020

Long Live The Offline Loop

 In an altered state of mind I decided to undertake a fool's errand, recreating the Offline Reel of old, and after a few days and racking my brain I have managed to recall, at time of posting, some 200 clips that either were, or I thought were on the Offline reel.

COPPA annoys me, some of the more “kid oriented” things have had playlist adding and comments disabled to protect the poor innocent eyes of unattended children. Ruining such fun as the Freeky Teletubbies with the totally kid friendly background lyrics/overdub.

And here are the fruits of my delving: 

Unofficial Offline Reel

Edit: 250 now.
A couple items elude me.
-The Alice Cooper “Desperado” Western Movie showdowns

New year (2021) Edit.
330, progress has nearly ground to a halt, the occasional old item is discussed and searched for, but I think the playlist has the majority.

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